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Sacramental Celebrations & Preparations

Baptism for infants is usually celebrated monthly at the 10:30 Mass for registered members of our Parish. Godparents and parents must attend a preparation session with Sister Linda. Godparents must be active, practicing Catholics and bring a letter of eligibility form their own pastor. For arrangement and preparation contact Sister Linda, Adult Baptism, Confirmation or First Eucharist : A special process called Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is used. This process extends over a span of a year or more and includes instruction, reflection, sharing and special rites. This process of education and formation is a journey of faith bringing a candidate through a full liturgical year with the opportunity to learn and grow in and with the faith community. A series of rites and rituals leads the disciple through the stages of growth and integration into the faith community and a deeper personal relationship with Christ our Savior. 



Confession is available upon request to Fr.  Philip Waters, Fr. Linus Edogwo, Fr. Augustine Boachi and any of the Monks of Newark Abbey.  Preparation for First Confession can be made by sending an email to  Sister Linda Klaiss at or by calling (973)792-5790

This sacrament completes Christian Initiation and usually follows the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. The sacrament of Confirmation is a commitment to Christian service and deeper discipleship. High School Students are eligible, who have attended religious education classes and have a basic knowledge of the faith tradition and doctrines. They must actively practice their faith and display a spirit of faith commitment. Attendance at monthly gathering and Sunday liturgy is required. 

The church believes that parents are the first and best of teachers of their children. The decision to bring children to the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharistic is made by the parents in consultation with the staff. Contact Sr. Linda at or Fr. Phillip at



Couples should be registered members of the Parish a full year prior to your intended date and plan with the priest for the necessary preparation sessions. For further information please  Contact Fr.  Philip Waters  at or (973) 792-5793




We invite anyone interested in information about religious life as a Sister, Brother or Priest to contact us for information. We represent the Benedictine Community and the Sisters of St. Joseph, Chestnut Hill, PA. For more information contact  Fr. Phillip Waters  at or (973) 792-5793 or Sister Linda Klaiss at or by calling (973)792-5790

We encourage those who are call to serve God's People to contact us; we also ask our parishioners to encourage those who are considering Holy Order to come to talk with us. 


Parish members should notify the Parish staff if any member is sick or hospitalized. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick can be celebrated any time of the day or night. Call the parish office to arrange this sacrament. In case of emergency call 973-396-6070 any time .

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