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St. Mary's Choir is a multi-national group whose mission is to lead the congregation in a worshipful celebration of the Holy Mass. The choir provides music that helps parishioners feel at home in the presence of God and enables them to open up to the fullness of God's grace.

With a multi-national congregation, the music is likewise eclectic -  traditional hymns and songs, Negro Spirituals, inspirational songs and choruses and ethnic music from various parts of Africa and the Caribbean.

Members sing every Sunday at 10:30 Mass  and special celebrations. Rehearsal is held First Friday of the Month after First Friday Devotion.

Hospitality / Ushers


The Ushers and Greeters at St. Mary's promotes a sense of welcoming and belonging to everyone who come to worship. 

The Hospitality Ministers (Ushers and Greeters) strives to free each person of their own personal impediments to the Mass by making sure the atmosphere is conducive for everyone to come to a freer expression of God in the Liturgy. 



The reader (Lector) serves the Liturgical assembly by proclaiming the Word of God at Parish Prayer and Liturgy of the Word. 

Eucharistic Ministers


Eucharistic Ministers assists the Priest in administering the Sacrament of Holy Communion during Mass. They also (at times) take Holy Communion to those who are ill or unable to attend Mass.

Altar Servers


The Altar Servers assists the Priest in the Celebration of the Liturgy during Mass by carrying the Cross and Candles during procession, holding the Bible for the Priest when he is not at the altar, handing the bread and wine to the Priest during the preparation of the Gift, handling the Censer and incense.

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